CWMWD IAL Cwmwd Il portrays the life of people around the Commote of Il during the second half of the 10th Century. Watch Welsh warriors do battle and visit their camp to view the clothes and costumes of the time. Find out more about cooking and what the people of Cwmwd Il were eating a thousand years ago.

KNIGHTS OF LONGSHANKS Watch Welsh Knights throw down the gauntlet and do battle with their English overlords. Explore the Knight's encampment and witness how they lived on campaign. Talk to the Knights and try their armour and weapons for size. Visit the Apothecary and experience medieval medicine in all its gory.


Step back in time and experience life in the turbulent fourteenth century. See the medieval encampment at work and witness the skills of leatherworkers, clothiers, and our medieval physician. Watch our professional well-drilled soldiers practising their skills under the stern gaze of their sergeants


Join this exciting re-enactment group and encounter life in 12th and 13th century Wales. Come and see their displays of armour, weapons, archery, living history, medicines and games. Watch the knights do battle at the tournament to select a champion.

HALSBANDS FALCONRY DISPLAY Roger James brings his spectacular display of hawks, owls and falcons to the Big Cheese. Come and see these magnificent birds at close quarters and talk to the falconer. You may be able to call one of the birds to the glove during one of the displays.


Watch the talents of experienced woodsman Maurice Clother, a traditional Pole Lathe Turner as he demonstrates his ancient craft and produces delicate and beautifully worked items.


Travel back in time as Chance Encounters, a Merthyr based Theatre Company tell folk tales and recreate the lives of characters from the past.