WOMEN are being urged to hide their handbags after gangs of youths on bikes targeted drivers and shoppers.

Police say the problem is getting worse and young thieves are becoming more daring in their offending.

In the latest incident, a woman had her bag snatched as three boys cycled past her outside McDonald's, on Newport's High Street, at about 11pm on Sunday.

Earlier this month, a woman parked on Duckpool Road, Maindee, was stunned when two youths aged around 17 or 18 opened the passenger door and stole her handbag, then made off on push bikes.

Sergeant Chris Garrett, of Maindee police, said: "They are catching people when they are at their most vulnerable.

"They see it as easy pickings and they are getting really cheeky. "They have been known to target cars waiting at traffic lights and are using bikes to get away.

"We believe at least some of the latest offences involve the same gang. "It's normally a major city problem but it's been moving across the country and it's on the increase in Newport."

He said the gangs were targeting pedestrians and motorists. Sgt Garrett urged people to look around them when getting into their cars and to ensure handbags were kept securely or hidden from sight.

He said: "They are opportunists out to make a quick buck, often to buy drugs, so the public needs to be aware of the dangers." The teenage thieves also strike on foot.

On Friday, a woman was putting her young children in her car at the Tesco car park at the Newport Retail Park when a gang of youths snatched her handbag and ran off.

Also last week, two youths, aged around 18, pushed a British Telecom engineer against his van at Broadmead Park and stole his laptop computer.

Anyone with information should contact Newport central police on 01633 244999.