The ten key messages that Newport City Council would like all dog owners to adopt are:

1. Train your dog in elementary obedience so that it is under control at all times

2. Train your dog to go to toilet at home - if he/she accidentally fouls in public, make sure you clean it up

3. Always have a 'poop scoop' or a plastic bag ready when you are walking your dog

4. Make sure your dog is kept on a lead when in public

5. Take your dog to the vet regularly for its vaccinations

6. Ensure your dog receives a healthy well-balanced diet and plenty of exercise

7. Don't let your dog become a nuisance to your neighbours

8. Make sure your dog has a collar & tag or microchip

9. Worm your dog regularly and groom it frequently

10. If you do not want your dog to have pups, make sure it is neutered

You may love your dog and they love you "THEY DON'T KNOW THE LAW BUT YOU DO".

The consequences of ignoring the law could be fines of up to £1,000. That's your holiday gone or the new car. So it make sense to associate 'Walkies' with a poop scoop.

Pick up the lead and the scoop at the same time as you go through the door. Be concerned and responsible enough about your health to pick up the phone if you see an offence being committed.

Remember, it is not the dog's fault - it's the owners.