What is the attraction in fishing? Why is it that over three million people actually participate in this noble pastime, which is also one of the fastest growing sports today?

Perhaps it is the challenge of catching a fish, whether it is for the table or to be released to fight another day?

One thing we all agree on is that angling is a healthy pursuit. Being near the water in the fresh air and seeing the wonders of nature with the abundance of the wild life. Fishing is by and large a gentle pastime.

In South East Wales we have some of the finest fishing in the UK with rivers such as the Wye ,Usk, and Severn, famous for its game fishing, plus we have foreshore fishing along the coastal plain of Gwent. Small lakes, canals, streams and reservoirs, are in abundance for Trout and Coarse fishing.

If I have whetted your appetite for fishing how do you start? Let us first of all look at what type of fishing may appeal to you.

Coarse Fishing

This is by far the most popular. About one and a half million participants fish. Coarse fish are divided into two groups - predatory fish (which eat other fish) such as pike, perch, and eel and non-predatory such as carp, roach, and rudd. Both are caught by anglers.

The method for catching and returning the fish is usually a hook with bait on or a lure to catch the fish. Most fish are returned to the water after being caught. At the moment there is a close season from March 15 to June 16 on rivers, streams and some still waters.

Sea Fishing

Exact number of participating anglers are difficult to estimate as no rod licence is required for fishing from a boat or from the shore. Most people start an interest in fishing as youngsters seeking small fish in the rock pools and dropping a line into the harbour or pier waters. As sea fishing takes place all year round there is an abundance of fish available but not all are easy to catch. They include cod, mullet, mackerel, bass, eels, flat fish such as flounders, plaice, and many more species.

Game Fishing

This accounts for about a million anglers. Game anglers mainly use artificial flies to attract the fish, but they should represent a natural insect. Certain waters will allow spinning and the use of worming. Game fish include, salmon, sea trout, grayling and trout. Rainbow and brown trout are the most popular.

Although most of the fish caught can be eaten, some anglers will return fish to the water to conserve the stocks. The fish can be found in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, lochs and estuary waters.

Whatever type of fishing you want to try, go with someone who regularly fishes. Tackle shops will not only supply you with tackle but are also an ideal base for information on clubs and membership.

Coaching is now available by qualified coaches. For more information please e-mail me, fredburton.
