YOU'VE heard of urban foxes... but urban swans?

Unlikely as it may seem, a pair of swans have chosen urban Cwmbran as their new home, and this summer raised their third brood of cygnets there.

And one local resident, who has chronicled their life and times with his camera for the last three years, has even collected their story into a book.

The swans have made their home on an urban stretch of the Monmouthshire and Brecon canal in Old Cwmbran, next to Henllys Way.

Dennis Baker, 53, of Steynton Path, has followed their latest brood right from the egg.

He told the Argus: "I've been living down here for about 15 years and the swans have been there for four years at least.

"I never go anywhere without my camera on my arm - it's part of me - and I started taking pictures of them about three years ago.

"Ever since then I've been going down there a few times a week and following their progress.

"For the last two years the adults have wintered on this stretch as well. And they're the same ones every year because they mate for life.

"If they both survive they'll never part. I've seen them raise at least three broods.

"Last year there were seven, and this year there's eight."

The male regards himself as the king of that little stretch, and he guards it well. I've seen him chase the ducks off there - and he's even chased a few people."

Dennis has collected his pictures of last year's brood into a book, The Swans of Old Cwmbran.

He said: "Swans are such majestic birds, very independent and very family-oriented. He'd give his life for those cygnets.

"They don't like being towered over, so if you're bigger than them they think you're a threat, but if you get down low they're not too bad."