THE smile returned to brave Nancy Willett's face last night just days after she was brutally attacked outside her Newport dairy.

Miss Willett, 67, said she had been touched by the messages of support and goodwill she has received from friends in the community since the shocking attack on Tuesday morning.

Miss Willett, (pictured) who runs AT Willett Bishpool Dairy along with her sister Doreen, said:

"I've had so much support and love from my customers and the rest of the community, I thought I was just a nobody - an old woman doing her job.

"But all this has made me feel special to people and I want to say a big thank you to them all.

"I've had lots of cards and presents like chocolates and flowers - somebody even sent me £40 cash in a card.

"And today four young children came to my door with a home-made card and a lovely bouquet of flowers.

"One of the cards was signed by everyone in our local shopping centre - I'm so grateful."

Miss Willett, who is still bruised and has not yet returned to work, was attacked around 2.30am as she went to load her milk float, and police were considering the theory that she disturbed a burglar in Ringwood Avenue.

She suffered a fractured jaw and cheekbone and needed 30 stitches after the apparently motiveless attack.

Since then she has received cards, flowers, chocolates and even cash from customers, neighbours and friends.

But despite the support of the community Miss Willett fears the thug responsible may come back.

"I do worry that it might happen again - that he might come back.

"I've no idea why I was attacked as I've never quarrelled with anyone. Why would someone do this to me?"

Alway detectives are investigating what they called a "cowardly attack on a defenceless old lady" but are still appealing for anyone with information to contact them. DC Peter Evans said: "Although we've had a few phone calls, nothing new has come to light."