MONARO VXR: 0 to 60mph - 5.4 seconds; top speed - 170mph. VXR220: 0 to 60mph - 4.2 seconds; top speed - 153mph. Performance figures to make the soul sing ... but common sense and the highway code mean that VXR drivers are limited in their pursuit of the extreme driving excitement their cars can provide.

However, Vauxhall has the answer. As part of the development of the company's new VXR performance brand, Vauxhall is offering prospective VXR customers the opportunity to take their vehicles around some of the best racing circuits in the UK.

Vauxhall has negotiated a limited number of places at selected track day events in Kent, Yorkshire and Leicestershire, run by independent track day operators, which include a whole day of track driving from approximately 9am to 4pm.

In addition, Vauxhall will be bringing a VXR220 and Monaro VXR to each event for prospective customers to experience these cars from the passenger seat. There will also be a VXR instructor available to give guidance and driving instruction in the customers' own vehicles to those who have not driven on a racetrack before. However, places at these track days are limited, so booking as early as possible is recommended to secure a place. For more information contact John Thorne on 01494 730720 or