THE director of Age Concern Gwent has condemned the "despicable" attack on dairy owner Nancy Willett, and said it will cause many elderly people to feel like prisoners in their homes.

David Murray said: "It's this kind of episode that makes all older people live in fear of walking the streets."

Sixty-seven-year-old Miss Willett, who runs the AT Willett Bishpool Dairy, in Newport, was brutally attacked as she went to load her milk float at 2.30am on Tuesday.

She suffered a fractured jaw and cheekbone, and needed 30 stitches to her head.

Mr Murray said: "This was a despicable act carried out by a coward and bully.

"These incidents are few and far between, but are no less serious when they do occur.

"Although it may just be a perception, older people are fearful of their streets and many of them are almost prisoners in their own homes, certainly after hours of darkness.

"They are sitting in their houses thinking 'who's next?'

"You must ask the question, 'why is it old people can't go about their business in safety when they are fit and able to do so?' I would appeal to anyone with information about this disgusting incident to please have the courage to get in touch with the police and do the community a great service."

Miss Willett is still recovering at home in Bishpool although she does plan to return to the milk round she shares with her 73-year-old sister Doreen.

Detective Sergeant Adrian Elworthy, of Alway CID, said inquiries into the attack were ongoing.

He said a forensic examination of the scene had been carried out and house to house inquiries completed. Officers have searched for a possible weapon although it is not known for sure if one was used.

DS Elworthy said the attack appeared to be motiveless and that there was no description of the attacker because it was dark when the incident happened.

* Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact Alway CID on 01633 245343 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.