HUNDREDS of parents and pupils wore fancy dress costumes and marched through a village to mark the retirement of a popular head teacher.

Joyce Dunn, head teacher at Cefn Fforest Primary School and a former pupil there, was given the best possible send-off after 12 years in the role when she was made the carnival queen of the parade.

The parade, made up of more than 500 pupils, teachers, parents and classroom assistants, and headed by the Cefn Fforest Jazz Band, began at 1.30pm and snaked its way round the village for nearly an hour.

Many residents braved the wet weather to cheer from their doorsteps and show their appreciation of the effort Mrs Dunn, of Cefn Fforest, has put into running the school.

When the parade eventually returned to the school, pupils were treated to a folk-dancing display and turns on a bouncy castle.

Key Stage One teacher Chris Edwards said: "Joyce just said she wanted a carnival before she finished, and it was a carnival that she had.

"We are quite a large community and it was nice to bring a little community spirit back into the village."

Mrs Dunn said: "The parade has been very spectacular. We are quite a big school and everybody has put so much effort into it.

"The staff are fantastic, as are the pupils, and to be cheered on our way by local residents was great."

She added: "I'm very sad about leaving but I have had a marvellous experience here and a brilliant send-off."