ON Tuesday the Argus reported the case of a Pontymister family who were overcharged for pensioner Charles Bromley's funeral arrangements.

When 70-year-old Mr Bromley died last year Penmaen's Woodfield Park Funeral Home charged £150 more than their original quote.

The firm pleaded guilty to five offences under section 20 of the Consumer Protection Act for misleading the family over the cost. Mr Bromley's family said that their devastation at his death was compounded by their treatment.

Pamela Seels is the Gwent NHS Trust bereavement councillor and says practical arrangements are always hard for grieving relatives. Ms Seels said: "These people are highly vulnerable because their judgement is impaired through grief and they can be taken advantage of.

"This family have had an awful time which is very unfortunate because my experience of funeral directors in Gwent has been very good."

Lyndon Hamer, south east Wales regional manager of Co-operative Funeral Care, says that the best way for families to avoid the pain suffered by the Bromleys is to use firms that are registered with professional trade organisations.

The National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD) represents groups like the Co-op, the National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF) represents independents.

Mr Hamer, of Ellis Williams, Newbridge, said: "It is a difficult time for families, the last thing they need is to be messed about.

"When choosing funeral care people should look out for the NAFD or SAIF logos in the window and on the literature of firms.

"It is not to say that firms who are not members are cowboys but members have a code of practice and are regularly inspected."

Mr Hamer said that the Co-op was pressing the government to regulate the industry to ensure that standards were raised across the country. "At the moment anyone could set up as a funeral director regardless of their training and equipment. We'd like to see regulation but it will take time," he said.

l Cruse Bereavement Care is a voluntary organisation that offers help to the bereaved. They have an office in St Woolos hospital and can be contacted on their helpline on 0870 167 1677 or email: helpline@crusebereavementcare.org.uk