BRAVE Doreen Willett was back out delivering milk just 24 hours after her sister was brutally attacked as she was preparing for their usual early morning round.

Nancy Willett, 67, was seriously injured after being beaten up by a thug at the dairy the sisters run in Newport.

Despite her shock at the horrific, and apparently motiveless assault, Doreen Willett, 73, pluckily carried on delivering milk to customers who rely on AT Willett Bishpool Dairy.

She helps her sister prepare for the round but was inside at the time of the attack.

"It was a dreadful shock," she said.

And their niece, Carol Miller, who lives in Ebbw Vale, has appealed for people to help police catch the thug responsible for the cowardly attack which shocked the local community.

She was alerted in the early hours shortly after the incident on Tuesday. "I went straight down there.

"I can't understand how there can be a motiveless attack like this and I'm very worried about the long-term effect on her."

She described her aunt's injuries as "horrendous". Miss Willett suffered a fractured jaw and cheekbone and needed 30 stitches to her head.

The sisters are well-known and well-liked in the area. "I can't understand how anybody could do such a thing," said Mrs Miller.

"I just hope that by running the story in the Argus that someone will come forward with some information."

Miss Willett was attacked at about 2.30am as she went to load her milk float and police were considering the theory that she might have surprised a burglar on the property in Ringwood Avenue.

Detective Inspector Dave Edwards wants to hear from any witnesses to what he described as a "cowardly act on a defenceless old lady". Yesterday Miss Willett told the Argus that at first she thought she was being attacked by a wild animal.

He continued to hit her even after she fell to the ground.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Alway CID on 01633 838111 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.