THE amazing journey of our galaxy, spanning six billion years, has been recreated in the valleys this week.

The Travellers Through Space exhibition is one of the largest that the Ebbw Vale Institute has ever housed and is being attended by primary school children from across the area.

The exhibition is offering a display of intriguing equipment and samples, all relating to the exploration of time and of space.

Moon rock brought back by Apollos 15, 16 and 17 can be examined, as well as fragments of comets and meteors.

A star lab planetarium from the University of Glamorgan has been set up for children to learn about the planets - and there are also model dinosaurs to illustrate life on earth 65 million years ago.

And a database of rockets used for space exploration can also be seen. The Heads of the Valleys Astronomical Society and the Usk Astronomical Society organised the exhibition and a lottery grant helped fund it.

Mike Thomas, of the Heads of the Valley Society and the driving force behind the exhibition, said hundreds of people had already attended and had greatly enjoyed the displays.

"The feedback has been wonderful - it has been really positive. Stargazing and the journey of evolution fascinate many people," he added. The exhibition concludes today and is open until 8pm.

l The Heads of Valley Society meets at the Ebbw Vale Institute on the third Friday of every month at 7pm and is keen to welcome new members.