THE schoolgirls of St Trinian's were best known for causing trouble wherever they went.

But members of Newbridge Ladies Choir, who dressed up as the notorious pupils, were helping two good causes.

They sang with the Newbridge Junior Silver Band in the High Street for more than an hour, and took a collection for ChildLine, the charity set up by Esther Rantzen.

The popular choir soon got Saturday-morning shoppers behind them and collected more than £200 for the charity.

The women were also raising awareness of the Newbridge Memorial Hall's bid to win the BBC Restoration prize of £3 million to do up the former cinema and dance hall - a bid being backed by the Argus.

They were joined by Dave Johnson, who dressed up as the St Trinian's head, and rallied some audience participation in a jingle written in support of the Memo.

The words, written up on a board so that everyone could join in, were: "Vote, vote, vote for Newbridge Memo, Restoration is for us, There'll be fun for one and all, But you have to make the call, From your home, or in your car or on the bus!"