A GWENT woman is the new official harpist for the Prince of Wales.

Jemima Phillips, 22, whose family are from Ebbw Vale, is currently living in London, completing a course at the Royal College of Music.

The traditional post of official harpist to the Prince of Wales was reinstated in 2000 to help celebrate and foster musical talent.

Jemima met the Prince yesterday in Bridgend during his summer tour of Wales.

She said: "It is a massive honour to be bestowed on me. I am really excited about it and over the moon."

She described the position as "very important" and said she could use it to "bring the harp to the public more".

l Could Prince Charles soon be house-hounting in Gwent? One of our AMs certainly hopes so.

Peter Law has called on the Prince of Wales to buy a home in the country he represents.

Mr Law, who received a "private" reply, said: "I have been given to believe that he may consider this and I hope that's the case."