A PRIMARY school pupil spoke in front of an entire school assembly to urge everyone to support a campaign to save the Newbridge Memo.

Nine-year-old Chloe Hughes gave an impassioned speech at Pantside Primary in Newbridge after being inspired by an open day at the local Memorial Hall earlier this month.

The Year 4 pupil approached head teacher Christine Vaughan following the visit and asked if she could address the entire school on the issue. Chloe said: "I've really thought about the Memo since that day and I thought if I had permission to speak in an assembly it would help.

"I just spoke about how the Memo was built and what the vote was about on the television. I was a little bit nervous but it helped by looking out of the window when I was talking."

Mrs Vaughan said: "I think the whole community is 100 per cent behind the Memo. I think Chloe was very brave."

Chloe's mother, Wendy Hughes, said she was also proud of the effort.She said: "She is as good as gold and I'm not really surprised she spoke in front of the school assembly because she is not known for being shy."

Chloe's grandfather, Mel Speirs, is one of the trustees of the Friends of Newbridge Memo and is taking part in the project for it to win the £3million prize in the BBC show Restoration in a campaign being backed by the Argus.