DIAMONDS may traditionally be a girl's best friend, but for one Newport woman they don't come close to her beloved dog.

Because Holly, a Labrador-German wirehaired pointer cross, helped owner Nicola Smith, 35, from St Julians, to overcome agoraphobia - a fear of going outside.

Now Mrs Smith has nominated Holly, who she has had for the past two years, for an award in the Woman's Best Friend category of the 2004 Wag and Bone Awards.

Mrs Smith has had epilepsy all her life, and four years ago she also developed agoraphobia because of a fear she would have a seizure while she was out.

But with Holly by her side, she now has the confidence to go out in public without feeling alone and vulnerable. And that has given her greater independence.

Mrs Smith said: "I am worried about going out alone in case I have an attack or I black out, but I feel safe and secure with Holly, both outside and at home.

"I have trained her to get my mobile if anything happens and bring it to me in an emergency.

"I used to have panic attacks, but Holly gives me confidence and I feel calm and comfortable."

Holly was eight weeks old when Mrs Smith bought her and started to train her, and now she is a fully qualified therapy dog who can visit hospitals and residential homes.

Mrs Smith said: "Holly has been enormous therapy for me. I can now go out to the shop if we need some bread, instead of having to wait for my husband to come home from work."

Mrs Smith said her family, her husband, Mark, and 18-year-old daughter, Jenna, were pleased that Holly had given her so much freedom. Mrs Smith said: "As soon as I saw the category I decided to put her in for it because she deserves it, she has done so much for me and she doesn't even realise it.

"We have a really good friendship, she's easy to be with and she's not a problem. Whatever I have given her she gives back to me tenfold, I really appreciate having her around."

The Wag and Bone awards, sponsored by pet food firm Baker's, will be decided at the Wag and Bone Show on August 14 at Windsor Racecourse.