ABERGAVENNY was alive with colours and sounds at its annual carnival.

The event has grown from just one entry two years ago to thirteen this year. It was going to be a tough one for the three judges, mayor and mayoress Councillor Chris Woodhouse and his wife Sheila and the editor of our sister paper, the Free Press, Andy Sambidge.

The procession of floats went through Cross Street, which was closed off for the first time since the controversial closure was suspended after protests from traders. The Carnival Queen, Charlotte Tucker, and her two carnival princesses, Hollie Crawford and Laura Chicken, were first through the busy town followed by a float by Mayzmusik with Grease.

Abergavenny farmers market's 'Taking a trip up to Abergavenny' was filled with fruit, veg and dancing traders.

Also parading were: Danyderi's Shrek, Dancemaster with their Hawaii we go, Old Barn Estate with Peter Pan, Rhymney Coronets Marching jazz band, Olympics team starring town councillor John Prosser and his wife Christine, Somerset Arms, Days Gone By, the Hen and Chicks with 'Allo 'Allo, Little Mermaid by Grosvenor Road Estate, Chief Sitting Bull and some cowboys by Hillside Estate and Our Secret Garden, a family entry by the Jones and Davies clan from Underhill Crescent complete with little Bill and Ben boys.

First place for adult float went to Danyderi's Shrek, second place to the Little Mermaid and third Peter Pan. In the children's category first place went to Our Secret Garden, second to Top Cat from the Hen and Chicks and Dancemaster came third. Adult walking entries, first place was the Olympics team, second Cinema Black Box by anon, third were the Somerset Arms' Spivs. The children's walking entry prize went to Dancemaster.