AN army of sponsored walkers raised £3,000 for our Sparkle Appeal at the weekend.

A six-mile walk on Sunday was in aid of the appeal set up to raise £250,000 towards the £6m centre for disabled children to be built at High Cross, Newport.

Starting from Fourteen Locks, Rogerstone, the eager crowd of more than 100 walkers were not going to let the hanging grey clouds spoil their fun. Tina White, project manager said: "People of all ages have joined in from the kids to mums and dads.

"Some have joined us from the start and others have joined along the way, but the canal is a beautiful walk and accessible for everyone. So far £3,000 has been raised."

Hundreds of bottles of water, juices, fizzy drinks and the Rogerstone Scout Group Band awaited the walkers at the finish line in Cwmbran Stadium. Helping out on the day was Jenny and Richard Evans, who put up the canopy and sold Sparkle merchandise.

One of the walkers included Helen Wilson and her two dogs Tyler and Molko.

"We decided to help Sparkle because it is such a good cause, the dogs have lots of friends so we expect lots of sponsors for them," she said. Newport Dragons player, Matthew Veater joined in on the day and completed the six miles.

He said: "The walk was enjoyable and I mingled with everyone. "It was my birthday, but Sparkle is a good cause and it's worthwhile."