The interest in conifers for the garden is greater now than ever. Despite the bad press some varieties have received, such as the dreaded Leylandii, many types make excellent garden plants. The popularity of the conifer is easy to understand. Very low maintenance, hardy even in cold areas, tolerant of most soil conditions, mostly evergreen and an infinite range of shapes, colours and sizes. You can have golden ground cover varieties that only reach a few inches off the ground, or towering 60ft or more. The range of colours seems endless including green, bronze, golden, yellow and blue. Many with two colours on the one plant. The range of shapes is as diverse as the colour, as is the rate at which these plants grow. When selecting a conifer for the garden the most important thing to check is the speed that the conifer will grow. Some will grow ultimately to 10ft but it may take over twenty years to attain this height. Others can grow to be 10ft in only a few years. Whatever the size or style of garden you have there is always a conifer that will suit your requirements down to the ground.