A GOVERNMENT advertising campaign is under way to encourage as many people as possible to claim the new pension Credit.

Pension credit is a new entitlement for people aged 60 or over.

It could top up incomes to at least £102.10 a week or £155.80 for couples.

For the first time people aged 65 and over who have modest savings or second incomes could get extra money as well - to the tune of up to £14.79 a week for single people or £19.20 a week for people with a partner.

The person who applies for Pension Credit must be at least 60, their partner could be younger.

For further information on the new credit or to apply, call Freephone 0800 99 1234. Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm or Saturday 9am -1pm. Alternatively visit www.pensions.gov.uk/pensioncredit. For people with speech or hearing difficulties a textphone service is on 0800 169 0133.