PARENTS in Gwent can take up an invitation to give their toddlers an early lesson in skills which could save lives.

A group of youngsters visited Newport Transport Depot to mark the launch of the Children's Traffic Club, a book-based road safety scheme.

Friends Sam Gasston, Leona Tunney, both aged three, and two-year-olds Lois Tunney and James Wiltshire, viewed advertisements for the new club on the city's buses.

Sam's dad Phil, 29, said: "It's an excellent way for parents to get involved with teaching their children vital road safety skills.

"It will help them safely interact with other road users whichever type of transport they are using."

Every child will receive an invitation to join this new club on or around their third birthday.Then, once enrolled, the child receives a book every three months until they are four-and-a-half.

Andy Pugh, special projects officer with Capita Gwent Consultancy, said: "It has been demonstrated that where club has a large take-up rate, the numbers of child pedestrian casualties falls."