ANOTHER post office in Gwent has closed this week - the fourth such premises to close its doors this summer.

Langstone post office closed on Wednesday after the building's landlord decided to sell up.

The decision was not taken by the Post Office, who have closed several Gwent branches over the summer as part of a restructuring of its national network.

A Post Office spokesman said: "The reason for the closure is that the owner of the premises has served notice on us.

"We have been actively looking for an alternative site and have a few leads which have not yet come to a conclusion and regrettably it had to close."

The Langstone customers will now have to use alternative offices in Caerwent or Llanmartin or travel into Newport city centre to use Bridge Street office.

The spokesman added: "We are working hard and the closure is something we regret."

Already this summer Post Office customers in Pontywaun, Blackwood and Newport have seen local branches close under the restructuring programme.

One local pensioner, who has used the post office regularly, said: "It just seems to be another inconvenience for elderly people. In general I think that the way post offices in rural areas seem to be closing is a matter which warrants the highest criticism."

Langstone councillor David Atwell said: "I think it is a crying shame and most infuriating.

"We have a village that has doubled in size and have now lost both out post office and our local shop.

"My biggest worry is that in Langstone there is no obvious alternative site."