NEWPORT'S plans to become a centre for tourism are being given another boost with the announcement that the city will host the 2004 National Trailboat Festival.

Barges from all over Britain will head to Newport next year for the festival, from all over the UK, on part of the canal network in need of refurbishment.

It was last held in Kimberley Park, Malpas, in 2000, and the Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal Trust have just announced that they have been chosen to host it again next year.

The festival will add to the city's summer programme, which already includes the 2004 Eisteddfod, to be held at Tredegar House in August.

Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal Trust chairman Chris Morgan said: "In 2000 we held a major boat rally, the Trailboat Festival, in Kimberley Park, Malpas, and we've just been asked to organise it for next year.

"It'll either be at Kimberley Park again, or it'll be at Fourteen Locks. The festival will be good for the canal and good for Newport, and it will tie in with the pressure we're putting on the council to build a proper marina for the city.

"It's likely to attract about 40-odd boats from all over the country, and will help us raise money for the further restoration of the canal.

"We'll run trip-boats up and down the canal, and there should be a real carnival atmosphere. The festival is held all around the country every year and it's always held on a stretch of the British canal network that needs restoration.

"Last time we had more than 7,000 visitors over three days. We're looking for sponsors to help pay for it, so any big companies who want to be involved should call us."

A firm date has not yet been fixed. Anyone who wants to help organise Trailboat 2004, or with their efforts to make the 40 miles of the canal navigable, should contact secretary Phil Hughes, 01495 762823.