THERE were treble celebrations in a Tredegar family yesterday - as triplets all got the grades they need to win places at university.

But there were bittersweet feelings for Thomas, Catherine and Claire Legg, who are 18 and attend Tredegar School, as they will be attending different universities. Parents Carol and Howard Legg, of Dukestown Road, said they were very pleased for their children and that they had worked hard all way through their education.

"But it will be a bit strange losing all three of them at the same time - it will be very quiet," said Mrs Legg. The couple have no other children. Claire said she was a "bit apprehensive", but added she was looking forward to it.

"It has been quite stressful doing exams at the same time - there were a few shouting matches!"

She is going to Aberystwyth to study English and fine art. Catherine said: "I'm looking forward to all going off to different places - it will be quite nice to be just me."

She is going to Liverpool to study architecture. Thomas will now be heading to Bath to read physics.