A NEWPORT restaurateur who found a huge tree had toppled onto his garage says he warned the council about the danger.

The tree was one of many that line the lane leading to Newport Nature Reserve - a popular summer attraction with children and day-trippers.

Tony Gambarini, 58, said despite several warnings to the council the unstable tree has damaged his property and endangered people using the lane.

The city council says it inspected the tree regularly, and it was found to be healthy at the last inspection.

But Mr Gambarini, of Allt-Yr-Yn View, who runs Bella Mama's Italian restaurant, said: "If anybody had been walking there when the tree fell, they would definitely have been killed. It's between 60 and 80 feet high. "Groups of schoolchildren walk along the lane, and so do many walkers in the evenings, and I was concerned for their safety.

"I've reported this to the council on several occasions. These large trees move considerably in any sort of wind - you can see the trunks swaying. "But there wasn't a breath of wind last night. Instead, we were praying for some in all this heat."

Mr Gambarini was unaware the tree had fallen until he tried to open his garage door yesterday morning and found it jammed.

Experts will check the garage, but Mr Gambarini said: "It's an old property, and I fear it will have to be demolished after a blow like this. I can't get the car out.

"I'm annoyed because I first told the council about the trees when I moved in two years ago. They sent someone to trim the trees, and that was it. "I've complained regularly since, and last week I told them I would send a solicitor's letter voicing my concerns.

"The council should listen to people advising them of danger. "I can see a dozen trees like this from my house.

"There's no doubt they are dangerous. It's alarming me because in winds some branches stretch across and touch my house."

A Newport council spokeswoman said: "Work was carried out on the tree in March 2003, and when it was last inspected it was healthy."