A CARING animal sanctuary owner gave a tiny newborn kitten the kiss of life when it stopped breathing - by blowing into its lungs through the tube of a pen.

Volunteers at All Creatures Great and Small, in Cwmbran, feared the worst when their latest arrival was rejected by its mother.

The tiny feline was born by breech delivery, and staff had to break open the birth sac themselves.

Then, just as it looked as if the kitten might survive after all, it suddenly stopped breathing.

But sanctuary owner Viv Harris was determined not to give up on the little creature, and, using a bit of creative thinking, gently breathed air into its lungs through the barrel of a ball-point pen.

The unusual kiss of life worked, and the kitten took a few gasps of air. Viv Harris said: "I needed something that would get to the back of his throat to get the air in, and the pen was the nearest thing to hand. I have revived various animals, but never one as small as that. It was a very delicate procedure.

"But I would never recommend that anyone else do it because you have to be so careful not to over-inflate their lungs."

The kitten survived and has been carefully hand-reared by Viv ever since. Even though he was the weakest of a litter of four, he was the only one to survive as the mother smothered the other three.

Staff have now named him Alfie Moon, after Shane Ritchie''s EastEnders character.

A spokeswoman for the sanctuary explained: "Watching EastEnders is one of the few relaxation moments Viv allows herself from running a busy sanctuary, looking after over 400 animals. Viv reckoned that this little chap would need the qualities of persistence, perseverance, charm, a lot of luck and a great sense of humour, just like Alfie Moon."

Because Alfie was rejected by his mother he lacks vital antibodies from her milk to help fight infection and is more prone to illness. Although one-month-old Alfie is now doing well, Viv will have to keep a close watch on his progress.

She added: "I think Alfie's a survivor. He certainly runs me ragged! If anyone can make it, he can."

* Pictured: Kitten Alfie Moon which was resuscitated with the aid of a pen