THE construction of New-port's newest landmark took a major step forward when the final sections of the new bridge were put into place.

The 200-metre bow string arch bridge was completed yesterday as the two halves of road decking were inched into position.

The bridge is one of the key features in the new Southern Distributor Road - a £55m project which will bring an end to Newport's notorious city centre traffic congestion.

The scheme which was started last autumn is expected to be completed in autumn 2004.

The bridge is intended to symbolise Newport's industrial heritage, embracing Corus steel and the new technological approach to the structure's engineering.

The SDR will link the M4 at junction 24 to the Pont Ebbw roundabout, diverting traffic away from Newport centre.

Councillor Graham Dally, cabinet member for transport and sustainable development said: "This is an exciting time and a central point in the progress of the SDR."