YOU know when you've been tangoed, in the Argentinian sense of the word; the hot flush of sensuality, the new understanding of the arts of dance...

Created more than a century ago in the brothels of Buenos Aires, the tango became socially acceptable only in 1913.

And Zum: Gypsy Tango Inferno, at the Grand Pavilion in Porthcawl tonight, combines the hot-blooded passion of the tango with the coruscating brilliance of the Romany fiddle.

The band performs modern work by Astor Piazzolla, alongside music from the golden age of tango, with a range of their own influences. Their last two UK tours sold out, and their music is already beginning to inspire similar bands across Europe.

Zum play the Grand Pavilion, Porthcawl at 8pm tonight. Tickets are £10 or £9 concessions from the box office on 01656 786996.

And after a night with Zum, you'll find the truth in the words of the great Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges, who wrote: "The tango is a direct expression of something that poets have often tried to state in words: the belief that a fight may be a celebra