NEWPORT East MP Alan Howarth wants the Immigration Appellate Authority (IAA) to withdraw plans for a Langstone asylum appeals court after the public inquiry into it was adjourned.

The proposed centre at Columbus House outraged residents and was rejected by Newport city council - then the plan was being considered by the inquiry ordered by the Assembly.

But the inquiry had to be adjourned on the second day after the father of the IAA's barrister, Rhodri Price Lewis, QC, suffered a heart attack and died.

A reserve date to hear the remaining three days of the inquiry has been set as October 28, though Morag Ellis, acting for Newport council, is as yet unsure whether that date is suitable for her.

The next possible date following that when all parties would be available is January 20 next year.

On the opening day of the inquiry, Martin John, acting tribunals director for the court service, said the IAA was achieving its commitments of 6,000 hearings a month without Columbus House, but added: "It's not just about through-put, we want to improve the timeliness and speed that we are able to get cases fully dealt with."

Yesterday Alan Howarth, MP, wrote to David Lammy, MP, at the Department of Constitutional Affairs, the government department responsible for the IAA, to suggest that now is the time for the government to withdraw.

Mr Howarth wrote that he regrets the "tragic personal reason" behind postponing the inquiry, but goes on to say: "In view of the fact that the IAA is managing perfectly well to meet its target for hearings without the facilities at Columbus House being available to it; in view of the planning blight and general harm caused by the continuing uncertainty; and in view of the long delay that must now occur before any resumption of the inquiry, I would ask you and the IAA now to abandon your plans to use Columbus House as courtrooms."

Simon Lane, chairman of residents' group Langstone Action, which arranged its own representation at the public inquiry, said: "Langstone Action is sad to hear of Mr Price Lewis' sad loss, and our hearts go out to him.

"The adjournment has massive cost implications - we are desperate for cash and need all the support we can get from residents.

"The whole thing has been a bad mistake and we agree with Mr Howarth that it is now time for the IAA to withdraw its plan."