YOUNGSTERS are jeopardising a community woods project on a Newport housing estate - because they keep setting fire to them.

The Argus reported in April how fire crews were being repeatedly called out to extinguish fires in woods behind Newport's Duffryn estate.

Residents said thick smoke from smouldering piles of wood-chippings and tree debris was making their lives a misery.

Duffryn Community Link, the group responsible for clearing the woods, has a £20,000 budget - but says cleaning up after the repeated fires means it could cost double that sum.

The Link hopes the woods will provide a picnic area, sports facility or environmental resource for the people of the estate.

Chairman Joe Chiummo said: "We undertook this project after consulting the community about what use local people wanted to put the cleared area.

"But due to the unusually hot weather and this antisocial behaviour the project is now in jeopardy. Money has been wasted that should have been used for a purposeful, much-needed project."

Carole Mattelle's home on Cormorant Way overlooks the woods. She said: "It's not fair on the fire brigade - they've got better things to be doing. "They were here every single night last week and it's still smouldering now. The firemen said they needed a mechanical digger to shift all the stuff underneath."

Sub-officer Keith Follis, based at Duffryn fire station, said: "The problem we have in Duffryn woods is now chronic. We've observed children of all ages responsible for starting the fires, and the weekend before last they stoned the fire-engine. "Children are hiding out in the woods, constantly chancing their arm rekindling the fires as our backs are turned."

Most of the wood-chippings were removed - at great expense - in April, but fire-fighters say the chippings can keep a fire smouldering beneath the surface for weeks.

Ms Mattelle said: "The woods have been left in a complete mess and our concern is that around 200 yards from our houses all the stuff has been left piled up and the fires are gradually creeping nearer."

PICTURED: Residents Carole Mattelle and Ray Gibbons besides a smouldering pile of chipped wood behind Cormorant Way, Duffryn.