RESIDENTS fed up with motorists speeding through their area blocked off a road - and say they will continue protesting until action is taken.

As the Argus reported yesterday, the action at the Byways, in Greenmeadow, Cwmbran, was organised by Rachael Jones, (pictured) of Earle's Mead.

Around 100 people blocked the road for two hours from 5.30pm. Mrs Jones told the Argus: "We live on a child-orientated estate and there's cars speeding up and down the road. We are protesting against this."

She added: "I'm getting no reaction from anyone in authority. Only when someone gets hit will any action be taken, it seems. Everybody is angry up here at what is going on." Mrs Jones, 36, said some of the motorists who speed are visiting friends or the local shop.

She said: "I recently tried to stop a driver and he just gave me a lot of hassle." Mrs Jones said residents had contacted the police about vehicles being driven at speed on the horseshoe- shaped road, but the police had not acted.

Sergeant Mike Goldie, of Cwmbran police, said inspector Gareth Lintern and the duty sergeant visited the residents yesterday evening.

He said: "We have taken on board their complaints and a report has been submitted to our traffic department."

The residents are now waiting to see what the council will do about their complaint. Mrs Jones, a mother of two, said: "We are going to see if the council will put pathways down and put some speed bumps down."

A spokesman for Torfaen council said: "We take the issue of road safety extremely seriously and listen carefully to the concerns of residents.

"We regularly receive requests for traffic-calming and each proposal needs an objective assessment to look at the problem.

"We have had no recorded accidents on this road and have to make very difficult choices regarding priorities.

"The main criteria that we look at when deciding where to place traffic calming is where personal injury has been caused because of excessive speed."