MICHAEL BALDWIN was yesterday confronted with the possibility that stepdaughter Jenna Brookfield may have been buried alive.

Prosecution counsel David Aubrey, QC, asked him: "Have you considered the dreadful possibility that she may have been alive when you buried her?"

Baldwin replied: "I...she weren't as far as I can remember. I don't know." Baldwin, a qualified first-aider, admitted that he could not remember checking whether the 15-year-old was breathing as she lay in her shallow grave.

Mr Aubrey said: "You certainly didn't try to give her artificial respiration Mr Baldwin - you simply covered her young body with debris and the rocks lying around. "Did you care?" asked Mr Aubrey.

"Yes", said Baldwin. Mr Aubrey asked: "Did you care enough to check thoroughly that she really was dead?" Poultry factory worker Baldwin replied: "I don't know."

Baldwin denies murdering the teenager between September 3 and September 11 last year. Proceeding