A NEWPORT factory manager who "took the law into his own hands" after splitting with his wife was warned to control his temper by a judge.

Francis Munn, (pictured) 58, of Star Villas, Ponthir, clashed with his wife after they met to discuss dividing their property, Newport crown court was told.

Judge David Morris was told Munn's 55-year-old wife, Dawn, decided she wanted to divorce her husband, and they agreed to meet on March 3 to discuss the property which had to be divided.

Prosecutor Mary Parry-Evans told the court that Mrs Munn returned to the former matrimonial home to discuss the settlement, and Munn began to behave in an unpleasant way, threatening to kill his wife for what she had done to him.

He was originally charged with making threats to kill and unlawful imprisonment, but these were reduced at a previous hearing to the charge of affray.

Sentencing Munn, the judge said: "Whoever behaves in such an aggressive and frightening way behaves in a manner which cannot be overlooked, whatever the rights and wrongs.

"You are a responsible family man assessed in normal circumstances as being responsible, but you lost your temper for good or bad and cannot justify what you then did.

"You have shown a proper responsible approach ever since, but you cannot afford to lose your temper and to take the law into your own hands."

Munn was given a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered to pay £900 costs after pleading guilty to affray. Defending Munn, Ron Christie told the court the factory manager accepted that he would have appeared frightening in his demeanour.

He added the couple had been together for 12 years and this was the second time of marriage for both.