YOUNGSTERS of 13 are using drugs in the Rogerstone and Bassaleg areas of Newport, police have revealed.

Bettws police are getting tough with the problem by raiding homes as a result of information received from the public.

Officers raided the homes of two teenagers in Rogerstone and seized a small quantity of cannabis last Thursday.

One girl was cautioned for possession of cannabis and a youth was given a verbal warning for possession of a small amount of the drug.

This follows the sentencing last month of a 16-year-old from Newport for possession with intent to supply a Class B drug.

Almost a whole 9oz bar of cannabis, £376.14, a scales, knives for cutting the drug, and other drug-related paraphernalia were found in the youth's bedroom.

He was given a 12-month referral order by Newport magistrates on June 19, which is a step up from a warning and involves the offender meeting a youth offending team.

Magistrates also ordered the destruction of the drugs and other items discovered, and the confiscation of the money.

PC Eddie Evans, of Bettws police, said: "We are looking at children aged between 13 and 16 as a result of information given to us by members of the community about youths smoking cannabis.

"We are looking seriously at the youths in the Rogerstone and Bassaleg area, particularly for cannabis."

PC Evans said they had received intelligence from a number of sources over the past eight or nine weeks and were acting on that.

He added that Bettws police would be working with Bassaleg Comprehensive School when pupils go back in September, to try to combat the problem.

Rogerstone councillor Ernie Watkins said: "I'm over the moon they're acting on the information."

* Pictured: PC Eddie Evans