A NEWPORT pensioner who tends an award-winning church garden was heartbroken when four tubs of flowers were stolen.

Dennis Williams, of Corporation Road, Newport, spends his own money on the gardens of his beloved St Philip's Church, in Jenkin Street.

Mr Williams' efforts saw the gardens win the Newport in Bloom's Best Kept Churchyard for the fourth year running.

But someone stole four flowertubs from the garden last Monday, two of which were donated by a gentleman in the congregation in memory of his wife.

Mr Williams' wife, Avril, said: "Dennis was absolutely heartbroken by the theft. "Whoever did it must be sick.

"When people tell Dennis how beautiful they think the church gardens are it makes him feel ten feet tall."

Mrs Williams told the Argus her husband felt devastated that a friend's tribute to his late wife had been stolen.

Mrs Williams said: "I don't want to give you the gentleman's name because he doesn't know yet, he's away visiting relatives, but Dennis was upset by that."

Canon Henry Davies, of St Philip's Church, told the Argus: "It is very sad that one should have worked so hard to suffer like this. In some ways I'd rather these people steal from the church than from an old lady."

Anyone with information should contact Newport police on 01633 244999.

* Pictured: The Williamses outside the church