CHILDREN at a Newport school made a journey into the past when they were transformed yesterday into medieval pilgrims.

Duffryn Junior pupils donned the pilgrim's habit, ate just bread and water, and carried their crosses to St Thomas' Church in Maesglas.

The eight and nine-year-olds have been learning about the routes walked by medieval pilgrims, making clay crosses and quill pens with which to sign passports granting safe passage.

Parents also helped out, by making the young pilgrims' habits.

Reverend Jennifer Mole, vicar of St Thomas', accompanied the pilgrims, teaching them medieval games and encouraging the children to tell tales - like Chaucer on the road to Canterbury.

Reverend Mole, who has been on pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Iona and Santiago de Compos-tela, said: "The children will get a feeling of community and the experience of walking to a holy place. I've never seen children so excited by anything."

* Pictured: Daniel Bennett, aged nine, of Duffryn Junior School, Newport, talks to the Rev Jennifer Mole