THE chairman of governors at a Gwent school has put forward the same bid for extra classroom space - despite it being thrown out by planners two weeks ago.

Councillor Graham Down, chairman of the governors at The Dell Primary School, in Welsh Street, Chepstow, also said he would report fellow members of the council who refuse to view the issue with an open mind to the Ombudsman.

Councillor Down said he is determined to get the double demountable classroom the school needs to properly accommodate the children, some of whom are currently forced to use the library for classes.

The plan was presented to the planning committee on June 3 and was refused on July 1. Reasons given for refusal were that the classrooms would represent overdevelopment "to the detriment of local amenity" and would have an "unacceptable impact on the Chepstow Conservation Area".

Chepstow councillor Cliff Meredith told members of the Monmouthshire council planning committee an extra demountable classroom would make the school look like "shack alley".

But Councillor Down said: "The proposal hasn't changed one bit - we are concerned for the children and we need the facility.

"I hope that the planning committee sees sense. The strategic review of the local education authority itself says there is an 'inevitable need for more capacity' at the Dell."

He continued: "The advice that the planning officers have provided for members makes it clear there is no justifiablegrounds for refusal.

"I feel certain members have a long-running animosity towards our school and would refuse us no matter what plan we put forward.

"If the planning committee refuses us again we will take whatever action is necessary. That includes launching an appeal to the Assembly and reporting certain members to the Ombudsman." Councillor Meredith said: "The planning committee is a non-political body, members of the committee have a free vote.

"I can't comment on what Councillor Down said about certain members. I vote with an open mind."