A DERELICT Newport school hit by a series of firebug attacks is to be demolished, the Argus can reveal.

The former Queen's School building in Queen's Hill is to be torn down later this year, a Newport council spokeswoman said, because of fears over health and safety concerning the council-owned building.

It has been left gutted by numerous acts of vandalism and a series of fires - and local people have been calling for its demolition for years.

The Newport council spokeswoman said: "There are a number of buildings on the site - and it is the old Queen's School building which will be demolished.

"An internal note has been sent to the nearby Queen's pupil referral unit and St Mary's Roman Catholic School, on the same site, telling them of the plans, and there could be some disruption for parents, who may not be allowed to park there during demolition.

"But we are doing this in the context of health and safety reasons.

"The old building has been the subject of vandalism and fires for a long time

"We do not know at this stage what will replace it, but there is a covenant on part of the site, which is a legal document specifying that part of the site must be used for educational purposes.

"Obviously, there could be legal moves to change a covenant, but we have no firm plans to decovenant."

City Councillor Matthew Evans said: "I am pleased, and I am sure the residents who have had to put up with years of antisocial behaviour around the building are pleased as well.

"My concern is that it has taken such a long time to get rid of this problem. It's regrettable that this space has been unused and a draw for vandals.

"Ideally I would like to see the space used for a park, a green leisure space near the city centre is what we need."

Newport police inspector Jeff Smith said: "For a long time now the building has been a target for trouble and there have been a number of fires and other incidents. I'm happy to see it go."

Resident David Adams, 59, from Queen's Hill, said: "It has been like hell on earth here. The area is a magnet for vandals, drug addicts and thieves."