GWENT Wildlife Trust is launching an urgent fundraising appeal to find £33,500 in four weeks - or risk losing land that it bought to protect.

The Wildlife Trust last month bought 34 acres of grazing marsh next to the Magor Marsh Reserve for £100,000 - but still needs to find £33,500 of that sum to secure the sale.

Helena Ronicle, the trust's reserve manager, said: "The land came up for sale at fairly short notice, and it went to auction and we managed to get it.

"It was a wonderful opportunity for the trust to extend its reserve and it was one of the last remnants of these habitats.

"It is really good for wild flowers, breeding birds and all other kinds of wildlife, including some rare breeds."

She said they wanted to save the land for the wildlife that already existed there, and also bring more wildlife to the area.

"We also wanted the land to make the Magor reserve area bigger, because the bigger the area, the better the habitat for wildlife.

"We now need to raise £33,500 within the next month to secure the purchase. We paid for the bulk out of the trust reserve and we are making progress, but we need help."

The Magor reserve will be open to visitors on July 27, for people to see for themselves the conservation work being carried out there.

"People can come along between 11am and 2pm and go on a guided walk through the existing reserve and see the grazing marsh," said Helena.

"This land and reserve is for the benefit of everyone living in Gwent, and we would be grateful for any support that can be given to this appeal."

* Anyone who wants more information or wants to donate to the appeal can call 01600 715501.