FRIENDS of the Earth campaigners want tolls introduced in Chepstow to deter lorries and commuters from using the town's roads.

Lorries use the A48 through the town to avoid paying the tolls on the Severn Bridge - but now Friends of the Earth Cymru has called on the National Assembly and Monmouthshire County Council for a feasibility study into a road tolling scheme.

Margaret Davis, 76, from FoE Chepstow, said: "This suggestion has been made in order to get the lorries off the road."

She said: "Yesterday morning I counted the number of lorries on the main road between 8am and 8.30am and in that time 44 lorries went past coming through Chepstow." Campaigners say the traffic is causing pollution, and problems for pedestrians who want to cross the road. A meeting will be held in Chepstow in September to discuss the situation.