PONTYPOOL Rugby Club seems certain to be in fresh hands next season - rescued by the new members' group formed to take over from the Bob Jude-run company.

Welsh Rugby Union chief executive David Moffett said he knew nothing of plans to allow the consortium to take control of the club.

But consortium representatives say they were contacted by a WRU executive and told to go ahead with training and plans to sign players.

Another source close to the WRU said: "They have been given a nod and a wink to go ahead with their business plan but it still all has to be ratified by the WRU regulatory committee."

That ratification may come within a day or two after key documentary evidence is presented to the WRU today.

The main obstacles to the new group taking over have been cleared after a search by solicitors.

It appears the name and other club rights are with a company whose directors are former Pontypool associates

Colin Tuckwell, spokesman for the new group, said: "It's exciting news. We are very pleased. The club is secure.

"We have been more or less guaranteed by a high official at the WRU that we can go ahead with our plans.

"We will hold a meeting at the weekend to finalise the management board.

"What this news means is that we can progress and make the club what it always should have been - a members' club.

"We were able to train last night in a happier atmosphere and we will be signing up players in the near future - this week."

However it is understood John Devereux and Kevin Ellis have joined Byron Hayward in leaving and that others may yet do so for greater security elsewhere.

Tuckwell added that the new group had the backing of Torfaen council to play at Pontypool Park and the side would play in the famous Pontypool colours.

A spokesperson for Torfaen council confirmed they had met with the group and that Pontypool Park would be available for the new side's fixtures.

A series of sponsors are also in place to support the new side and an announcement regarding season tickets is expected to be made at the end of the week.

Meanwhile Pontypool Premier Rugby Ltd., Jude's company, is now likely to face the reinstatement of a winding up petition and be forced into liquidation.

Mr Jude was unavailable for comment today.