THIS little girl may be called Ellie Rose - but for some, she will be forever known as Mercedes.

Because the baby came into the world in the back of a Mercedes car outside Cwmbran police station, after her mum got caught in a traffic snarl-up in the town.

Louise Trigg, 23, from Pantside, Newbridge, was due to give birth to her second child tomorrow - but last Tuesday went into labour in the early hours of the morning.

"I went into labour early Tuesday, but thought that I would be fine to stay at home because the contractions were quite far apart," she said.

"After a while I went over to my mum's to ask for a lift to the hospital, and my mum and stepfather, Meryl and Mike Trigg, took me in their car.

"We got stuck for a few minutes in traffic in Cwmbran, and it all just happened - I had the baby, weighing 6lb 6oz, there and then, in the back of my stepfather's Mercedes."

Louise left her house at 8.15am and gave birth to her daughter, whom she named Ellie Rose, at 8.40am.

"We couldn't pull over anywhere, so we just stayed in the traffic and my mum came into the back seat and helped deliver Ellie outside Cwmbran police station," she said.

"My mum was brilliant, she panicked a little at the start but she talked me through everything.

"I was quite worried having my baby in a car, but it was nice having my mum at my side.

"It was different and it all happened so quickly I couldn't believe what was actually happening.

"Everyone was absolutely brilliant and even the traffic police from Cwmbran gave me an escort to the Royal Gwent Hospital after it had all happened.

"The police even helped me out of the car and into the hospital when we arrived." Louise - who has a 17-month-old son, Tyler - was kept in at the hospital for a few hours to be checked over, but was later allowed home with Ellie.

She said her partner had been at work when she went into labour, but was thrilled with the news.

She said: "It was an unbelievable experience but now I have a beautiful daughter.

"I couldn't believe what happened, but I am glad that it was all over quickly and now I have Ellie at home."