Frank Smart, one of the most liked riders to have appeared in Newport Wasps' colours - old team or new - is quitting at the end of the season.

The 33-year-old Australian, from Perth, pictured, is going home with his Welsh wife Charlotte - probably better known as Charlie - when the curtain comes down at Hayley Stadium in October.

The hard-riding Smart, after 10 seasons in Britain - he has also been with Exeter and Swindon - said: "I have thought long and hard before making the decision but I have been living out of a suitcase for 10 years.

"When I decided to come to Britain I just packed a bag and a few parts and travelled halfway round the world and got paid for something I love doing.

"I wouldn't have swapped it for anything. I've had ups and downs and I've had hard times."

It would be fitting if Wasps could say farewell with some silverware.

Smart will be settling in his home city of Perth and will ride in Oz, but before he finally departs there will be a farewell meeting for him.

It's for sure that the full house signs will go up for a talented and exciting rider the crowd found it so easy to take to their hearts.

Tim Stone, Newport promoter, said: "Frankie has ridden three seasons for me - quite simply he is riding the best speedway of his carrer.

"I totally understand and respect his decision to retire from British speedway and we are all going to miss him and we don't want him to go."

Neil Street, Wasps' team manager, said: "He will leave a gap almost impossible to fill.

"He really is a very genuine person and he is such an entertainer.

"He only knows 100 per cent all the time."