THREE Gwent MPs are backing a campaign group's bid to improve safety on school buses.

Monmouth MP Huw Edwards has sponsored an Early Day Motion at the House of Commons to support a petition by Newport-based BUSK, Belt Up School Kids, demanding an end to the practice which allows buses to carry three children under the age of 14 in seats designed for two.

Thirty-one MPs, including Paul Flynn, MP for Newport West, and Llew Smith, MP for Blaenau Gwent, supported the campaign.

Mr Edwards said: "We called on the government to end legalised overcrowding on scheduled buses by abolishing the three-for-two rule, which allows three pupils under the age of 14 to be seated on a double seat."

Mr Edwards, who has campaigned to change the law and travelled on a bus with pupils from Llandogo, said companies can exploit a loophole in the law which allows pupils under the age of 14 to sit three on a seat.

He said: "A 48-seater coach could take 72 pupils under the age of 14 in addition to the specified number standing. It could then possibly take 92 pupils."

He said he was pleased that Monmouthshire county council had abolished the three-for-two rule in the county.

Mr Edwards said: "I hope that other local authorities will follow Monmouthshire's lead in abolishing this outdated rule, and I hope that as many people as possible will sign BUSK's petition, including children, to strengthen the campaign for a change in the law."

Pat Harris, co-ordinator and founder of BUSK, said that in an ideal world children would travel to and from school in minibuses and coaches with properly fitted seatbelts, but she added that realistically there are not enough of these vehicles to go around and children had to use single and double-decker buses.

Mrs Harris said: "We are delighted to get this support and we hope that everyone will send a postcard to their MP, asking them to sign the petition.

"Anyone who wants to sign the petition to improve safety on transport for children and young people can contact BUSK for a copy of the petition by calling 01633 274944 or e-mailing"