CHEPSTOW Conservative Club is being blasted by a furious member after his car was clamped while he popped in to pay his subscription.

Lindsay Reynolds is the latest in a string of motorists angry with the club for running a £90 clamping policy in its car park on Moor Street.

Mr Reynolds, aged 57, of Penterry Park, Chepstow, said clamping company Park Right Securities, of Caer-philly, "must have put the clamp on within seconds of my going in". He added: "It's humiliating and hurtful to do this to a member. I showed him my membership card and he didn't want to know. I was absolutely incensed.

"This is money in the clampers' pockets for nothing. I am going to take the club to a small claims court."

The clamper told him members had to buy a parking permit, but Mr Reynolds, who said he'd been a member "for years and years", claimed he had never been told.

Mr Reynolds added: "I agree they should clamp but they should do so at a reasonable sum and show more consideration."

Nearby shopkeepers said many drivers had complained of being clamped there since the policy started in early autumn.

But prominent signs are on display to inform drivers that clamping is in force.

And club committee member Pam Challoner said clamping was needed because members, many of whom are disabled, suffered when the public filled the car park.

And she added: "We shall fight if Mr Reynolds takes us to court."

She said she was happy with the clamping company and that the club gains no income from the clamping and pays no fees to the security company.

She said: "Members were given three months' notice that they can purchase a parking permit for 50p for the life of the car.

"For others, there are several public car parks in Chepstow."

A spokesman for Park Right Securities said the government had capped clamping at £100.

He said employees patrolled the site regularly but were not there all day.