TONY Blair was due to salute the bravery of Gwent firefighters Stephen Kilby and Stuart Baker at an awards ceremony at Number 10 Downing Street today.

The pair rescued injured worker Derek Bailey after he fell 60 feet into a bunker of corrosive lime at the Llanwern Corus steelworks in January 2001.

All three suffered burns from the chemical in a rescue operation that took more than two hours to free Mr Bailey from the lime powder.

Today they were among nine other National Bravery Award heroes who were meeting the prime minister.

Mr Kilby said: "This is a great honour and we are very proud of it. But without the work of the rest of the team we would've failed."

Mr Bailey, of Duffryn, Newport, who is still unable to move around easily without the help and support of others, said: "I am so pleased the two firemen have been recognised for the work they did in helping me.

"If it wasn't for their bravery I wouldn't be here today, this award is incredibly well deserved."

Mr Kilby, 47, of Bassaleg used abseiling skills to climb down the lime bunker tower with fellow Malpas fireman Mr Baker, 43, of Cwmbran.

Mr Bailey was badly injured from his fall and the firefighters used up five sets of breathing apparatus freeing him.