AN AUSTRALIAN couple who were reunited with their stolen motorbike yesterday thanked the people of Gwent for helping them get it back.

Ralph Dixon, 42, and Fionnuala Livingston, 40, said it was like "a fairytale ending" to the story.

The couple were on the last leg of a five-month, 19,000- mile journey to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Society when their BMW motorbike was stolen at Magor services on Sunday afternoon.

They were finally reunited with the white BMW F650 yesterday afternoon outside Cardiff City Hall.

Ralph said: "I still can't believe that we got it back. The response from the people of Wales has been unbelievable.

"We don't know how much money we've raised until we get home, but already this has helped us raise more than we had expected."

Fionnuala said: "I'm just amazed it's finally back. I feel numb - it's like winning the lottery."

The couple now plan to finish their journey by travelling the remaining 130 miles to London. They were also delighted to have CDs containing hundreds of photographs of their tour returned as well.

Detective Constable Arwel Hicks, from Caldicot CID, said: "I'm delighted for them. To see the look on their faces made everyone's efforts worth while. The response from the public and the media has been amazing, and the bike would not have been recovered without them."

Claire Norman, chairwoman of MS Cymru, said: "We were devastated when the bike was stolen. We are over the moon for the couple now. Even though it was unfortunate for them, it has certainly helped to raise awareness of MS in Wales."

Mr Dixon, an MS sufferer, said they have no sour feelings about Gwent, and even plan to revisit Magor services on their way to London. "Only this time we'll be staying with the bike!" said Mr Dixon.