PLANS to bring back deer into Pontypool Park have been dropped after local people say they fear for the animals' safety.

A feasibility study had been proposed as part of park-wide improvements. Deer have been absent from the park for decades.

But residents living nearby questioned the viability of the idea, and others raised concerns about animal welfare issues, security and the prospect of poachers being attracted to the area.

But other aspects of the £1.1 million rejuvenation plan are expected to begin soon .

And Torfaen councillors on the education, leisure and young people overview and scrutiny committee will hear tomorrow the latest progress report.

A spokesman for the council said: "It's clear from the responses we had from local people that there was very little desire for the deer to be reintroduced into the park.

"Consequently that proposal is no longer on the table as part of the plans to rejuvenate the park.

"Pontypool Park is a beautiful attraction that is popular with local people and tourists.

"This £1.1 million project will bring many more benefits to visitors.

"As part of the work we will be carrying out research into how the Italian Gardens looked in the mid-19th century to recreate them.

"The Nant-y-Gollen ponds will become an educational facility with a pond dipping platform and other features to encourage schools to visit."

The plan to improve the park was launched in 1999 and while not much visible work has been carried out it is understood background work is at such a stage that contracts to improve paths and lightening are expected to be awarded soon.

It is also understood the awarding of design contracts to renovate the Italian Gardens and redesign the two Nant-y-Gollen ponds into one are imminent.

Other work expected to begin soon includes rebuilding the drystone wall near Penygarn Crescent and walls beyond the ski slope and bounding the stream and from the Shell Grotto to the Pontymoile entrance.

Most of the money, £723,000, for the improvement scheme has come from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The rest is from the council.