NEWPORT & Gwent Enterprise has helped hundreds of people start or develop their businesses.

One such firm is Spirit of Air, which sells and manufactures kites and kiting equipment. Owner David Maddocks, 40, said Newport & Gwent Enterprise has helped him since he started his business in 1994.

He said: "I was unemployed for some time after redundancy and I needed to pay the bills. I didn't want to do what I had been doing - selling to corporate clients. The lifestyle was too hectic and I was never home to see my wife and children. I decided to expand my hobby, which was designing and making kites.

"I soon realised there was great business potential and went to see Newport & Gwent Enterprise.

"They sorted out a business start-up grant, but their advice and help and the property they had in terms of industrial units on short term was essential."

Mr Maddocks added: "Newport & Gwent Enterprise have advised us on grant availability for investment and equipment. They have helped us in particular in business planning and training. They were incredibly helpful, and it was nice to have a business mentor to bounce ideas off."

Mr Maddocks started Spirit of Air in a 300 sq ft unit. Now it operates out of The Warehouse, a 6,500 sq ft building in Portland Street, Newport, and stocks more than 1,000 items.

When the business was formed there were just Mr Maddocks, his wife, Sue, and a machinist on the payroll. Now the firm employs six people.