A GWENT society has taken to the boards for more than 80 years delighting audiences with their musicals.

Now today's company of Newport Operatic Society is busy rehearsing at Pill Harriers RFC for their latest production.

Irene is set in New York in 1919 and tells the story of a young Irish American piano tuner who is determined to become a successful businesswoman.

"It's the first time we have done Irene and we are very excited about it. People might not know the show but they will know the songs," said publicity officer Jane Evans.

Numbers such as What Do You Want to Make Those Eyes at Me For?, Alice Blue Gown, I'm Always Chasing Rainbows and You Made Me Love You, will certainly be familiar to many.

"It has a wonderful score," said producer Paul Chandler. "It was created for Debbie Reynolds and ran successfully on Broadway before being brought over to this country where the part of Madame Lucy was played by 'Dr Who' Jon Pertwee."

Dance teacher Sharon Fitzgerald takes the title role, as well as choreographing the show.

Although it is the first time the society has put on Irene, it has brought back memories for some members including musical director Derrick Watkins, his wife Sandra and chairman John Lyons. They performed in a Standard Telephone's production 24 years ago in the prestigious Waterford Music Festival.

Newport Operatic Society, founded in 1920, stages two musicals a year but it costs a lot of money to put on such a spectacle as they have to pay for scenery, costumes and a professional orchestra.

Regular fundraising events have to be held to help finance the shows such as a coffee morning held at the Mansion House last Saturday.

Irene can be seen from November 19 to 23 at the Dolman Theatre, Newport. Tickets cost £7 on Tuesday and Wednesday and £8 the rest of the week, concessions available plus a discount for group bookings of ten or more on Tuesday night.

* In the picture: Kate Lyne joins operatic partner Marc Pickard in a dance.